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 Well... I need to tell this...

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Wolf Kurayami
Wolf Kurayami

Posts : 567
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Location : The Twin Moon

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 12:14 pm

So... Starting tomorrow(Monday), I might not be able to online as often as I do. I need to continue my study and keep on going to achieve my wish. I found out I also didn't online much these day, the reason is... The network around me area is not really strong as it used to be.

Anyway, I will try to keep on touch with you guys... And what will happen to me after this only SHE knows. Just want to note you guys, I might also can't online continuously. That is all...

Ah! Day...
I am sorry to ask you this, but... Can you please take care of my CosmicBreak Fan Project Forum?
Who might know that there will a new face come in even tough the chances are low. Thanks

And... Reiya and Dune, if you happened to cross over this thread. I know that you're not one of my clannies now but please take care of the WhiteFangs clan forum. Thanks

So that is all what I want to say I guess... Later guys
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Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 12:23 pm

will do~ Good Job
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Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 2:15 pm

Later and good luck.
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太陽 様
太陽 様

Posts : 1554
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Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 2:42 am

Aww. Sad to see you go.
But good luck
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Wolf Kurayami
Wolf Kurayami

Posts : 567
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Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 12:06 am

Daylyt wrote:
will do~ Well... I need to tell this... 624996

113Kyote wrote:
Later and good luck.

Thanks Day, Kyo. :)

太陽 様 wrote:
Aww. Sad to see you go.
But good luck

I need to tough, and thanks Sun. :)

EDIT: Wow... Thanks to my right eye my "flight" was delayed until next week.
I will be online for a moment then.
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太陽 様
太陽 様

Posts : 1554
Age : 28
Location : Kiwi land

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 3:31 am

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Wolf Kurayami
Wolf Kurayami

Posts : 567
Age : 31
Location : The Twin Moon

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 9:11 am

太陽 様 wrote:

A replacement word for "start my study"
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Posts : 237
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Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 1:45 pm

Wolf Kurayami wrote:

EDIT: Wow... Thanks to my right eye my "flight" was delayed until next week.
I will be online for a moment then.

Don't you just hate when something like that happens? You start to get all pumped up about something, and then BAM! you get sick, hurt yourself,etc. Heck, just the otherday my "Perfect Saturday" was ruined by a fever, soar throat, and a MAJOR headache.
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太陽 様
太陽 様

Posts : 1554
Age : 28
Location : Kiwi land

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyTue Jun 07, 2011 1:10 am

Kyote, trust me, I've suffered worse.

Wolf, as long as you stay online on msn I'll be always open for helping you with english or whatever.
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Wolf Kurayami
Wolf Kurayami

Posts : 567
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Location : The Twin Moon

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyTue Jun 07, 2011 8:32 am

113Kyote wrote:
Don't you just hate when something like that happens? You start to get all pumped up about something, and then BAM! you get sick, hurt yourself,etc. Heck, just the otherday my "Perfect Saturday" was ruined by a fever, soar throat, and a MAJOR headache.

Do I sound like I am happy? No way...

太陽 様 wrote:
Kyote, trust me, I've suffered worse.

Wolf, as long as you stay online on msn I'll be always open for helping you with english or whatever.

I already told you that I appreciate everything if it is about help. Thanks. :)
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Posts : 237
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Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyTue Jun 07, 2011 12:54 pm

Wolf Kurayami wrote:
113Kyote wrote:
Don't you just hate when something like that happens? You start to get all pumped up about something, and then BAM! you get sick, hurt yourself,etc. Heck, just the otherday my "Perfect Saturday" was ruined by a fever, soar throat, and a MAJOR headache.

Do I sound like I am happy? No way...

Err, sorry if I made it sound like I was implying that. I wasn't, my bad.
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Posts : 39
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Location : Fighting the darkness looming over the horizon...

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyTue Jun 07, 2011 6:11 pm

太陽 様 wrote:
Kyote, trust me, I've suffered worse.

Wolf, as long as you stay online on msn I'll be always open for helping you with english or whatever.

Likewise, I'll try my best to help as well when I can on MSN also.

As for the WhiteFangs forum, I'll need to find the link to that again lol, I honestly haven't been there in ages. :<
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太陽 様
太陽 様

Posts : 1554
Age : 28
Location : Kiwi land

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyWed Jun 08, 2011 12:48 am

I'd need it too; never even been there
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Wolf Kurayami
Wolf Kurayami

Posts : 567
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Location : The Twin Moon

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyWed Jun 08, 2011 10:01 am

113Kyote wrote:
Wolf Kurayami wrote:
113Kyote wrote:
Don't you just hate when something like that happens? You start to get all pumped up about something, and then BAM! you get sick, hurt yourself,etc. Heck, just the otherday my "Perfect Saturday" was ruined by a fever, soar throat, and a MAJOR headache.

Do I sound like I am happy? No way...

Err, sorry if I made it sound like I was implying that. I wasn't, my bad.

It's okay, we sometimes misunderstood things... D:

Dune wrote:
太陽 様 wrote:
Kyote, trust me, I've suffered worse.

Wolf, as long as you stay online on msn I'll be always open for helping you with english or whatever.

Likewise, I'll try my best to help as well when I can on MSN also.

Thanks Mikey. :)

Dune wrote:
As for the WhiteFangs forum, I'll need to find the link to that again lol, I honestly haven't been there in ages. :<

太陽 様 wrote:
I'd need it too; never even been there

Okay, I will give you guys the link back... Here.


Thanks! :)
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Wolf Kurayami
Wolf Kurayami

Posts : 567
Age : 31
Location : The Twin Moon

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptySun Jun 12, 2011 9:30 am

Hmm... So tomorrow is the time... And before I go I want to ask for a volunteers who want to help me on taking care my cbfanproject forum. I know that Day alone won't work... She also busy. So I would like to ask anybody's help on becoming a moderator for the forum.
I know it is all so sudden and yet... It is a request that can be fully rejected. But I care on my forum too... That is why I ask.
Anybody who want to help, you can register there and notify me here or PM me there or whatever way you want to contact me.
Thank you for reading... And sorry for asking...
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太陽 様
太陽 様

Posts : 1554
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Location : Kiwi land

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptySun Jun 12, 2011 10:36 pm

My exams are just around the corner so I'll have to pass.
You'll show up time to time right?
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Wolf Kurayami
Wolf Kurayami

Posts : 567
Age : 31
Location : The Twin Moon

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyMon Jun 13, 2011 11:23 am

I just gonna wait then... =_=
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太陽 様
太陽 様

Posts : 1554
Age : 28
Location : Kiwi land

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyTue Jun 14, 2011 10:07 pm

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Wolf Kurayami
Wolf Kurayami

Posts : 567
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Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyFri Jun 17, 2011 2:43 am

太陽 様 wrote:

What is it sun? Hmm
What do you ask?
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太陽 様
太陽 様

Posts : 1554
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Location : Kiwi land

Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptySun Jun 19, 2011 11:48 pm

I thought you died D;
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Wolf Kurayami
Wolf Kurayami

Posts : 567
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Well... I need to tell this... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well... I need to tell this...   Well... I need to tell this... EmptyTue Jun 21, 2011 11:09 am

太陽 様 wrote:
I thought you died D;

E.. Eh? Why? o_O
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